2. Who Are You?

Previously, we discovered the steps to take to kick-start your journey of self-discovery in personality development. In this chapter, we focus on understanding your personality type in order to discover who you are.
Personality development is a powerful tool to take you to greater heights you never have possibly imagined. It will also help you improve on many aspects of your life, which include; your social and emotional health as well as your financial well-being.
From the previous chapter, you have already been guided through the steps to understand who you are better as a person, as well as giving you an idea of the type of personality you possess.
Step #1 – Identify Who You Are

Before you get on to personality development, you need to first identify your personality.
1. Type of personality are you
2. The strong and weak points in your personality traits
3. What are you doing to improve on your weaker traits?
4. Initiatives you are taking to enhance your strengths
When these questions are honestly answered, you can move on to the next step, which is the actual personality development.
Step #2 – Spend Alone Time
The first thing you need to do for your personality development is to spend enough time with yourself. This will help you to be in touch with yourself and you are able to learn more about who you are.

Personality types are classified into four different temperaments – the introverted and the extroverted, the one who thinks and the one who feels, the one who uses judgment to conclude and the one who uses keenness, and finally, the one who prefers using senses and the one who uses discernment. These different temperaments usually determine how one will react to various situations and the choices one will make.
There are personality traits that one inherits from parents and relatives. No wonder you find some of your traits and your likes and dislikes similar to those of your parents or relatives. There are some personality traits that we pick up along the way as we grow and live our lives.
As we grow older, we pick up habits, values, and beliefs that are dependent on our upbringing. However, the traits we pick up as a child tend to make a lasting impression on us as compared to the ones we encounter as adults.
Step #3 – Channel Your Personality
When you have identified your personality type, you get a better understanding of yourself. You are able to maximize your potential and use it to your advantage. For instance, if you are an introvert you can channel your talents in ways that suit your personality best. – How to channel your best personality traits

You will also have clarity in your communication with others. You will learn to complement the other party. For instance, you may be the one who thinks before they act and is very keen as opposed to your friend who uses spontaneity and quick judgment. You will manage conflicts better and improve your existing relationships. This creates harmonious relationships.
You are now ready to forge the way forward; clearly state the development you want to see within yourself. You need to be realistic and strict at the same time. Do not be too hard on yourself, as being unrealistic will cause you disappointment. Keep in mind to also not be too soft on yourself, as this will slow down your personality development journey.
Remember to forgive yourself for all the mistakes you have ever committed in life. Trying to do personality development with a grudge and a bitter attitude towards yourself will be useless and will get little to no results, as your mind and attitude are hindered by the past. View all your past failures as a stepping-stone to your future success.
Create Your Version of Flexibility
Personality development also demands flexibility. You cannot be rigid and expect personality development to work for you. Be open to whatever requirements personality development has. Be flexible and realistic towards your goals as well, because you might need to make some adjustments along the way.

You need to be honest with yourself about your personality type. Observe the strengths and weaknesses of your personality type. Do your best to focus and build on your strengths. For instance, if you are talkative and confident, use this to your advantage and let this trait boost your career and ambitions.
You also need to identify your weaknesses in a very honest and open way. Work on your weaknesses by making conscious efforts. For instance, if you struggle with pessimistic thoughts all the time then find a way to focus on the positive things.
Set Your Destination
Tune your entire being to personality development, and the journey will be smooth sailing from there. Make it even easier by illustrating what you want to achieve. Picturing or illustrating what you want to achieve helps to keep your progress on track. It is advisable for you to make a daily checklist and set your goals in milestones. This way, you will obtain your goal in a consistent and realistic manner.

At the end of the day, everyone has different personality traits that make them unique. No person is the same as the other. These traits are what set individuals apart. The environment in which we grow up in and the people we mingle with shapes who we are.
When undergoing personality assessment as well as development, being honest with your self is important! It is necessary because it will help you to identify your true weak and strong points alike so you are able to use them to your advantage. When you are in tune with who you are mentally, physically and emotionally, your journey to self-discovery becomes an easy journey.
Now, let’s start finding the voices in your head. – The Little Voices In Your Head